speaks Dorota Jordan Rojas, founder of Well Done Corporate Massage Therapy

You are a founder and an active member of the Well Done team.
I am also a committed promoter of health and well-being (laughs). Since 2001, I have deepened my knowledge in the field of holistic and alternative therapies. I specialize in the best solutions in the fight against stress. Thanks to my knowledge I can be constantly active and creative.
Tell us how your way began, which led to the unusual concept of 15 minutes massage for office workers.
I have worked for many years in beauty salons and SPA’s in Poland and in the UK. Then I opened a beauty parlour in London, which gave me the freedom to practice and get into the fascinating techniques and traditions of the East.
Why exactly this direction?
I realized that in order to effectively combat stress and fatigue, alternative therapies and massages should be used. I specialized in Swedish massage and aromatherapy, and getting to know their secrets gave me a basis for penetrating into more advanced techniques.
That’s when you started using essential oils in treatments?
Exactly! I understood that the sense of smell plays an important role in relaxing our body. I also took part in a reflexology course, which made me use them in every massage because of its great efficiency. Then there was an Ayurvedic course, which introduced me to the miraculous world of ancient therapies. They gave birth to all other health systems.
You have a solid preparation for the profession ...
But that's not all (laughs). I also completed an Indonesian-Balinese massage course designed to harmonize energy lines and chakras that makes body so rested and full of life.
Sounds good. It can be assumed that majority of Poles dreams about a relaxed body ?
Not just Poles, you can believe me. Contemporary work hygiene is far from good for our health, and I have a great appetite to really help people. Working in private clinics and SPA’s in big cities, I realized that people increasingly needed effective solution against stress mainly caused by work.
And you will certainly tell us that you have perfected your workshop to help with this complex preparation?
Of course! On the way I deepened my interest in cleaning the energy channels and took part in a Reiki course. This method of activating and balancing our natural energy reduces stress and spread relaxation. And the culmination of my way was a WORK-SITE massage workshop.
Sounds familiar! So we are in the place when Well Done came into the world, right?
Yes, after completing the course I started to develop a set of movements taken from various previously known techniques. The creator of the trend I was following was D. Palmer from the USA and I worked on his design to create WELL DONE. Today we live in an era of computer work, often under the conditions of monstrous stress. I strongly believe that massage can minimize tension in muscles as well as in the atmosphere. We all should take care of our physical and mental health. Well Done consists of elements of traditional massage, deep tissue massage, and eastern techniques, which I mentioned. I can recommend it with full responsibility, as versatile and very effective.
One thing is certain - it gives you great results in a short time. Thank you!
I recommend it!